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Saturday, August 3, 2013

How to Hide Hard drives on your pc

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In this amazing computer tricks I’ll show you that how you can hide a drive. We always hide our folders or other documents for security purpose or personal causes. After reading this tricks you can hide your computer hard drive when needed.Non-hide process are also given. This is really a amazing computer tricks.

Hide your Drives more easily:


To hide a Drive follow the following steps which are given below:

1. At first go to the ‘Start Button’ and go to “Run” Or press “Windows Logo key” + R.

2. Type cmd and press Enter. For this reason Command prompt will open.

3. Write diskpart in the Command Prompt and press Enter.

4. Then write list volume and press Enter. After that you will see the Volume number and Drive letter of the Drives.
5. Now if you want to hide a Drive you have to select its Volume number. To do that write select volume 1 (Let we want to hide a drive which Volume number is 1).

6.Then write remove letter E. Here E is the drive Letter of that drive which Volume number is 1.

7.Then restart your Computer. After restart computer Drive E will Hide .


To Non-hide a Drive follow the following steps which are given below:

Follow the first 4 steps(1-4) which are given above in this post.
Then :

5. Now if you want to non-hide a Drive you have to select its Volume number. To do that write select volume 1 (Let we want to non-hide a drive which Volume number is 1).

6.Then write assign letter E. Here E is the drive Letter of that drive which Volume number is 1.

7. Then restart your Computer. After restart computer Drive E will show.

I think to hide drives this tricks is most helpful to you.......

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