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Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Hide your Prohibited Data on image

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Hide your Prohibited Data on image 
(1) Create a New Folder. Name it
as you like.
(2) Create a zip/rar/zip file
( Which you want to hide)
(3) Select a picture in which You
want to hide your data.
(4) Copy these zip and picture
into the New Folder you
(5) Go to “start”. type Cmd. ( run
Command Prompt )
(6) Go to that directory where
you create a New Folder.
For Example i created a New
Folder in c:\.
c:\>cd new folder
next command look like.
Now Type the following
copy /b picture.jpg + data.zip
new image.jpg
Here picture. jpg is your image
name, data.zip is your zip folder
name of data, new image.jpg is
that name you want to give to
the picture that will hide your
copy /b Zeeshi.jpg + Hide.zip

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